Barwood Wins the Best Investment Transaction
An Entry Which Delivered Excellent Returns for Investors
Annually, in September, The Industrial Agents Society holds its prestigious IAS Awards. Like so many events in 2020, this year's award ceremony was held virtually so the team watched in anticipation on YouTube.
Barwood Capital was nominated and shortlisted for two categories for Super G:-
Deal of the Year - Over 250,000 sq ft
Best Investment Transaction
We were delighted to win the Best Investment Transaction award.
Super-G was a speculative warehouse project in Wakefield which represented our largest investment in a single speculative development to date and therefore one which required ambition, resolve and managed risk where we saw a creative opportunity in the market. At 261,000 sq ft, the project delivered success for our investors and partners, demonstrating how the real estate sector can be the catalyst for regeneration and economic growth whilst adhering to strong sustainable principles.
To make Super-G a compelling choice for the occupational market, Barwood Capital partnered with Supply Chain and Logistics specialists Bis Henderson to provide initial consulting advice to interested tenants on a free of charge basis. Bis Henderson’s “Secure Start” package was designed to reduce risk, condense project time and minimise double running costs for the tenant by assisting with fit-out design and costing, recruitment, and operational advice. This initiative was utilised by PUMA (the tenant) and was a key part of enabling them to plan, budget and attain internal approvals for the relocation and investment in the property.
The funding and delivery partnership was a collaborative effort that brought together a new joint venture between our Barwood Property 2017 Fund (“the Fund”) and British Airways Pension Trustees Limited (“BAPTL”), with Tungsten Properties as our development partner .
All the project targets were exceeded with the development let at Practical Completion to Puma UK, supporting our initial conviction to invest in a warehousing and distribution project of this scale in this location.
When annoucing Super G as the winner, the judges said "The performance of the winning entry delivered excellent returns for investors."